US forces trained senior PKK/YAT terrorist ‘neutralized’ by Türkiye, Ankara confirms


US forces in Syria trained a senior PKK/YAT terrorist who was neutralized by Türkiye in July, Turkish security sources confirmed on Wednesday.

Security sources said the neutralized terrorist was Civana Heso, code-named Roj Habur, one of the three terrorists who were “neutralized” by the Turkish military in late July. She was the so-called Jazira regional head of the PKK/YAT in Syria.

After the three terrorists were neutralized, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) praised them and extended a message of condolence to their families, a move harshly criticized by Turkish officials.

“Salwa Yusuk (AKA Ciyan Afrin) a Deputy Commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) — along with 2 fellow female fighters — was killed in an attack near Qamishli, Syria, on July 22, 2022,” CENTCOM said on Twitter on July 24.



Türkiye has long criticized US support for the terrorist PKK and its offshoot in Syria, known as the YPG. While Washington claims it fights Daesh/ISIS terrorists with the help of its PKK/YPG allies, Ankara says using one terror group to fight another makes no sense.

The terrorist Heso received special military training from US forces in Syria and in turn trained more terrorists to act against Türkiye at the so-called Dilovan academy, where she had previously given PKK/YPG terrorists assassination training, according to the security sources.

Members of the organization trained by the terrorist harassed and attacked Turkish forces in the Operation Peace Spring zone in northern Syria and in Türkiye’s southeastern Mardin and Sirnak provinces.

The PKK established its so-called anti-terrorist units, known as the YAT, in 2014, operating as supposed special forces in Syria and engaging in organized infiltration, ambushes, and similar actions against security forces on the border, the sources said.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

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