Türkiye’s communications director reiterates highlights need for new international framework


Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun highlighted the need Friday for a new international framework that prioritizes the rights of the oppressed above the interests of the powerful.

It came in an article he wrote, “G7 Summit and the Need for a Fairer World,” in Al Jazeera where he criticized the post-World War II international system, stating it struggled to address contemporary challenges.

“The current international system is driven by the interests of specific states, fueling conflict and hindering global peace, stability, and prosperity,” he wrote, emphasizing the emergence of a multipolar world and the declining influence of international organizations.

“These organizations have failed to recognize the nature of the multipolar modern world that began to emerge at the turn of the century,” said Altun.

He criticized the dominance of superpowers in shaping the global system.

“It is impossible to imagine a world system in which the interests and benefits of certain powers are prioritized at the expense of exploiting other countries and peoples,” he said.

Emphasizing that G7 countries describe themselves as promoting freedom, democracy and human rights globally, Altun urged a reevaluation of its performance in light of recent crises.

While acknowledging the G7’s lack of binding decision-making authority, he said: “It is necessary to reconsider and discuss the G7’s performance in meeting its responsibilities.”

Altun condemned the violation of international norms by certain states, citing Israel’s actions in Gaza. “Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza, eventually bombing even Rafah, the location it had previously designated as the only ‘safe zone.’”

He praised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s consistent stance against Israeli attacks and criticized the international system for protecting Israel rather than preventing its activities.

“The international system failed to produce a binding call for a ceasefire for many months,” he said, noting it took repeated mass protests in the streets and university campuses for the leaders of the G7 to make such a call.

He lauded Türkiye’s commitment to global peace, stability and crisis resolution. “Türkiye remains committed to promoting regional and global peace in the face of challenges from irregular migration and climate change to international terrorism and disrupted supply chains,” he wrote.

Altun also urged the restructuring of the international system, echoing Erdogan’s mantra: “The World is bigger than five” and “A fairer World is possible.”

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