Türkiye congratulates Azerbaijan on 31st anniversary of restoration of independence


Türkiye on Tuesday congratulated Azerbaijan on its 31st anniversary of the restoration of independence.

In a Twitter post, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated Türkiye’s “friend, brother, and partner of destiny” Azerbaijan, and conveyed his greetings to all Azerbaijani people.

Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Twitter: “We are always together. Happy October 18 Independence Day to Azerbaijan.”

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu also congratulated Azerbaijan on Twitter and said: “We Turks were born free, we live free!”

Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said: “One Nation, Two States…Happy Independence Day to our friend, brother, dear Azerbaijan, which declared its independence on October 18, 1991.”

In a Twitter post, Türkiye’s National Defense Ministry said: “Our essence is one…Our word is one…Our strength is one…We celebrate the Independence Day of brotherly Azerbaijan and greet the noble Azerbaijani people wholeheartedly. With the understanding of “One Nation, Two States”, we will continue to be together in sorrow and joy.”

Azerbaijan first declared independence from the Russian czarist regime but was toppled after almost two years in 1920 by the Soviet Union, and the people of Azerbaijan managed to restore state independence on Oct. 18, 1991.

On Nov. 9, 1991, Türkiye became the first state to recognize the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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