Turkish, US presidents meet on sidelines of G-20 summit


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart Joe Biden on Tuesday met in Indonesia to discuss bilateral and regional issues.

The meeting came on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Bali.

No further information was released yet about the meeting.

The relations between Ankara and Washington have been strained in recent years due to US cooperation with the terrorist group YPG/PKK in Syria, its failure to extradite the wanted ringleader of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), disagreements over Türkiye’s purchase of Russia’s S-400 air defense system, and Washington’s sanctions on Ankara.

The US has said it is cooperating with the YPG/PKK in northern Syria to fight the terrorist group Daesh/ISIS, but Turkish officials say using one terrorist group to fight another makes no sense, morally or otherwise.

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