Turkish intelligence ‘neutralizes’ PKK’s so-called brigade leader in northern Syria


Turkish intelligence “neutralized” the terrorist group PKK’s so-called brigade leader in northern Syria, according to security sources on Saturday.

Muhammed Azo was targeted last year as well, but had survived with injuries, said the sources on condition of anonymity.

He was sent for medical treatment, and returned to northern Syria, after which action was taken against him.

Azo was wanted for being the perpetrator of an attack on Feb. 2, 2022 near the Yakacik military post, southeastern Türkiye, in which a Turkish soldier was killed and three others injured.

He was serving as the so-called brigade leader within the terrorist organization, and is said to have assumed the role of coordination officer for a joint exercise involving 250 terrorists and US forces in Derik, northern Syria, on Sept. 7, 2022.

The sources said Azo also took friendly photos with US soldiers during the drill.

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