President Erdogan warns against Israel’s aggression, says Türkiye closely monitoring developments


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated Saturday that Israel’s aggression cannot be overlooked and emphasized that Türkiye’s intelligence agency is closely monitoring potential actions Israel may take against the country.

“At the moment, we are monitoring every step Israel has taken or may take towards Türkiye through our intelligence agency, from A to Z,” Erdogan told journalists on board the presidential plane returning from Serbia and Albania.

Erdogan emphasized that the two-day visit was extremely productive and successful, stating that Türkiye is seeking ways to strengthen already good relations with its counterparts.

He noted that Türkiye exchanged views on various issues, including Israeli atrocities in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip, recent developments in the Balkans and global matters.

“We delivered the greetings of our esteemed nation and relatives in Türkiye to our brothers in Albania — the first stop of our visit. We had comprehensive consultations with my dear friend, Prime Minister Edi Rama, during the second meeting of our High-Level Cooperation Council. In addition to the joint declaration, we confirmed the unwavering nature of Türkiye-Albania friendship with the documents we signed in the fields of higher education, agriculture, public relations, and media.

“We also reiterated our determination for joint action against terrorist organizations, particularly FETO, during our discussions.

“During my visit, we evaluated our political and military relations with the President of Albania, Mr. Bajram Begaj. After these discussions, we inaugurated the Namazgah Mosque, the largest mosque in the Balkans, built by our Directorate of Religious Affairs and the Religious Foundation, together with my dear friend, Prime Minister Edi Rama,” he said.

Special status of Sandzak region

Erdogan highlighted that the Namazgah Mosque will provide additional opportunities for worship for Muslims while also serving as a cultural center.

He expressed gratitude to all those involved in the opening, noting its architectural significance and 8,000-person capacity.

He noted discussions with Rama on defense industry topics and emphasized they found an opportunity to take a step forward in defense cooperation.

During the second leg of the visit, Erdogan detailed the fourth High-Level Cooperation Council held in Belgrade at the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. He affirmed they will further develop cooperation with Serbia.

“On this occasion, we confirmed our determination to further develop our cooperation with Serbia in every field. We signed 11 agreements to advance our relations. We discussed the work to achieve our common goal of $5 billion in bilateral trade,” he said.

Erdogan said he and Vucic addressed the special position of the Sanjak region in relations between the two countries.

“We emphasized our support for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process once again. I expressed our readiness to do our part in ensuring lasting stability and peace in the Balkans. In this regard, I reaffirmed the importance we attach to the trilateral consultation mechanism involving Türkiye, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia,” he said.

He expresses a desire that the discussions and decisions made during his visits to Albania and Serbia would lead to beneficial outcomes.

‘No government that is tied down against’ those wanting provocation, having appetite for chaos

“Parallel to Israel’s attacks on Gaza, attacks on societal fault lines are also occurring in Türkiye. Dirty campaigns are being carried out to trigger street protests. Are there any findings from our intelligence units on this? Is there any work on countermeasures?” asked Erdogan.

“Israel’s aggression cannot be ignored. Right now, we are monitoring every step taken or that could be taken by Israel against Türkiye with our intelligence agency,” he said. “Israel is not only targeting the stability of Palestine and Lebanon but is also working to spread the fire to the surrounding area. We cannot ignore this. We are fully aware of all these issues. We are not sitting idle,” he said.

“Those chasing provocation and acting with an appetite for chaos have always found us against them, and they will continue to do so,” he said. “There is no government that is tied down against this,” he further added.

Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong internal front, Erdogan said, “It is extremely important for us to defend our unity against those attacking our internal front and capable of wearing any mask. As long as our nation stands firm against these threats, we will fight against them.”

‘Those responsible for maintaining world peace must put an end’ to Israeli threat

He expressed gratitude to global figures for sharing a video he posted on social media to mark the one-year mark of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

“I would like to thank people like British musician Roger Waters and former Greek Economy Minister Yanis Varoufakis who shared our feelings by sharing our video,” he said and indicated that Türkiye would continue exposing the crimes committed by Israel by using all available communication channels.

“We will blatantly tell the world about the crimes committed by Zionist Israel. We will continue to do this, especially with my director of communications, and we will continue to use the channels of communication effectively,” he said. “Israel is the most concrete threat to regional and global peace. Those responsible for maintaining world peace must put an end to this threat.”

In response to a question about Israeli attacks on Lebanon, Beirut and Damascus, Erdogan emphasized that if Israel occupies Damascus, it would mean Israeli soldiers would be at Türkiye’s border, leading to the complete fragmentation of the Syrian map.

“The dreams of Netanyahu and his gang will turn into nightmares. Palestine will be free, and Lebanon will remain free. In every piece of land they extend their bloody hands to, they will encounter the rightful and noble resistance of those defending their homeland. Victory will undoubtedly belong to those who are patient,” he said.

Continuing efforts for peace in Syria

Emphasizing the severe suffering in Syria, he said: “Humanity must oppose the addition of new pains. Since the beginning of the civil war, I have expressed our respect for Syria’s territorial integrity. We have utilized all diplomatic means to protect Syria’s sovereignty. Every step taken by Türkiye has aimed to reduce tension in the region and lay the groundwork for solutions.”

“Today, the effective use of diplomatic channels can prevent the escalation of conflict. Israel, which has turned into a monster that destroys peace and tranquility, must face humanity. We will continue to work for Syria to regain its unity and achieve peace and tranquility,” he said. “We will intensify our efforts to create a just, honorable, lasting, and inclusive peace climate in Syria. Just as everywhere, we will advocate for urgent and lasting peace in Syria and stand by peace.”

‘Essential for Russia, Iran and Syria to take more effective measures against’ threat to Syrian territorial integrity

Emphasizing the importance of monitoring Russia’s actions closely since the beginning of the civil war in Syria, he noted that “Russia is acting in concert with Syria. On the issue of Iran — Russia, Iran, and Syria are all working together. On the other hand, the coalition forces comprising the US, UK and Germany are supporting the PKK/YPG terrorist organization.”

“This situation poses the greatest threat to Syria’s territorial integrity, and it is essential for Russia, Iran and Syria to take more effective measures against it. Similar conditions are also being experienced in Iraq,” he added.

Good neighborliness is key

Emphasizing the importance of political support from both sides to resolve the longstanding issues between Türkiye and Greece through qualified negotiations, he said, “Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has acknowledged the opportunity for determining maritime boundaries and the need for bold steps.”

He highlighted that Turkish Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, will visit Greece for discussions related to the issue.

Erdgan reiterated that both countries should demonstrate the will to identify problems, outline their content and seek solutions.

“Türkiye and Greece are two neighboring countries with historical ties. The principle of good neighborliness is the key to a formula that will benefit both countries,” he said.

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