Greek boats open fire on cargo ship in international waters


Two Greek Coast Guard boats on Saturday opened fire on a ro-ro ship 11 miles off Türkiye’s southwestern coast of Bozcaada, according to Turkish officials.

Comoros-flagged “Anatolian” ship with 18 crew — six Egyptian, four Somalian, five Azerbaijani, and three Turkish nationals — was attacked while sailing in international waters, Turkish Coast Guard Command said in a statement.

After learning about the incident, the Turkish coastguard dispatched two boats and then the Greek boats left the area.

No one was injured on the ship, the statement added.

The ship is being escorted by two boats and an investigation has been initiated regarding the incident, the statement further read.

On its website, the Turkish Coast Guard Command also shared a video on the harassment fire and a map, pinpointing the location where the incident took place.


Greek boats open fire on cargo ship in international waters

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