2 arrested on suspicion of helping perpetrator of Istanbul terror attack unlawfully enter Türkiye

by Anadolu Agency


Turkish police on Sunday apprehended two people on suspicion of helping the illegal entry into Türkiye of the perpetrator of last week’s deadly Istanbul bombing as well as Bilal Hassan, a fugitive suspect in the attack.

Sought by police for allegedly helping Hassan and confessed terrorist bomber Ahlam Albashir to enter Türkiye illegally from Hatay, a Turkish province bordering Syria, the suspects, identified as Suleyman G. and Tareq A., were sent to the Istanbul Courthouse after police procedures.

Suleyman G reportedly denied the accusations against him.

Tareq A. reportedly said he was smuggling people but added: “I transport refugees who enter Türkiye as fugitives from one location to another. I never imagined things would get to this point.”

The judge ordered the arrest of the two defendants on charges of attacking the unity and integrity of the state, murder, and immigrant smuggling.

The ruling said Tareq A. drove Alham Albashir and Bilal Hassan from Antakya, Hatay to Ceyhan, in Adana, southern Türkiye.

Istanbul prosecutors are continuing their investigation into the Nov. 13 terrorist attack in Istanbul which killed six people and injured 81 others.

As part of the investigation, a person detained on suspicion of helping Albashir and Hassan cross into Türkiye has been released, and proceedings of five other suspects are ongoing.

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