World Leaders Wish Boris Johnson Fast Recovery


World leaders and heads of international organizations banded together on Tuesday to wish a speedy recovery to U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, currently under intensive care while fighting the novel coronavirus.

Americans are praying for Johnson’s recovery, U.S. President Donal Trump said at a news conference in Washington.

“I want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson. We’re very saddened to hear that he was taken into intensive care this afternoon, little while ago. Americans are all praying for his recovery, he’s been a really good friend, he’s been really something very special — strong resolute, doesn’t quit, doesn’t give up,” Trump said.

He added that the White House contacted Johnson’s doctors and was ready to offer any necessary medical support.

Other leaders, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, French President Emmanuel Macron, Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Australia’s premier Scott Morrison also expressed their wishes of recovery on Twitter.

“Sending my best wishes to Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a full and speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you and your family right now. Hope to see you back at Number 10 soon,” Trudeau said, referring to the prime minister’s residence at Downing Street, 10.

Ursula von der Leyen joined him, saying her thoughts were with Johnson and his family. “I wish him a speedy and full recovery,” she said.

Emmanuel Macron expressed his support for Johnson, his family and the British people. “I wish him to overcome this ordeal quickly,” said Macron.

Sebastian Kurz Johnson sent a get-well-soon message as well, saying: “My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult moment.”

Another message came from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who wrote on Twitter: “Get well soon, Boris Johnson. Thinking of you, your family and all our UK friends at this tough time.”

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin wished Johnson a “quick and full recovery” in a telegram. “I would like to express my sincere support in this difficult moment. I am confident that your energy, optimism and sense of humour will help you defeat the illness,” Putin said.

Serbian leader Aleksandar Vucic also wished Johnson a fast recovery, saying: “Hanging in there and keep fighting! We, your friends are with you!”

From Albania, Prime Minister Edi Rama joined Vucic, writing: “Boris Johnson, I wish you will soon win this fight and be back to lead with all your passion and strength for your marvellous country. We are all in this together and together we will prevail by no doubt!”

Words of encouragement also came from Italy, with premier Giuseppe Conte saying: “My thoughts go to Boris Johnson and all the British people. I wish you a fast recovery. You have the whole Italian Government’s support and my personal one. We are all confident that your Country will get through this difficult time.”

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte expressed his support on behalf of the Netherlands’ government, saying: “I wish Boris Johnson, his family and the British people lots of strength during this difficult time. I hope to be able to speak to him soon in good health.”

German government spokesman Steffe Seibert said country’s Chancellor Angela Merkel wished Boris Johnson “much strength and a speedy recovery and hopes that he can leave hospital soon.”

Expressions of solidarity also came from Spain, as President Pedro Sanchez said: “These are difficult days for our countries, but from strength and unity we will manage to win this battle. A hug to all the British people.”

From Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan also sent his wishes for Johnson’s “speedy recovery, good health and long life,” saying: “This deadly virus COVID19 has hit people beyond borders. We need an internationally coordinated response to counter it.”

Japanese premier Shinzo Abe called Boris Johnson “a dear friend,” adding that he prayed for his “swift recovery.”

“Dear Boris Johnson, on behalf of the people of Israel I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Your friend, Benjamin Netanyahu,” tweeted Israel’s premier.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined them, saying in a tweet: “Hang in there, Prime Minister Boris Johnson! Hope to see you out of hospital and in perfect health very soon.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also expressed his sympathy to Johnson: “My thoughts are with my friend UK PM Boris Johnson. Lots of strength, Boris, and get well soon.”

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sent his and WHO’s “heartfelt good wishes” to Johnson, saying: “I know the NHS and its dedicated health workers will be looking after you.”

Boris Johnson, 55, tested positive for COVID-19 at the end of March. On Sunday, he was admitted to an intensive care unit of St Thomas’ Hospital in London.

Since appearing in Wuhan, China, last December, the novel coronavirus has spread to at least 184 countries and regions.

Data compiled by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University shows worldwide infections surpassing 1.36 million with nearly 76,000 deaths. Almost 292,000 people have recovered.

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