Woman Who Refused Face Mask Was Tackled By Off Duty Police Officer


A woman will face disorderly conduct charges after an off-duty police officer used a bodyslam “take down” maneuver on her after she became irate for being told to wear a face mask in a local store.

Video of the incident at a Walmart store in Birmingham, Alabama has since been posted online and gone viral. It appears to show the woman, who has not been publicly identified, being arrested while yelling in the store.

Her words cannot be immediately understood, but after being handcuffed the officer appears to grab her leg, and apply pressure to her upper torso prompting her to fall to the ground face-first. She then reels on the ground as assembled onlookers gasp.

Birmingham Police spokesman Sgt. Rod Mauldin said in a video message posted to Facebook that the officer used the body slam maneuver not because the woman refused to wear a mask in the store, but because she was “disorderly.”

The officer “was alerted when he heard a female learning obscenities towards customers and employees. The female continued and was asked to leave the store, however, she refused. The officer began to detain her, however, she continued to resist. The officer used a takedown method to gain control due to the other threat factors in the store. The subject was not injured during the arrest, and she refused medical evaluation,” Mauldin said.

The incident occurred Tuesday, and the officer was working in an off-duty capacity for Walmart, Mauldin said.

The woman now faces charges of resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, criminal trespassing, possession of marijuana and possession of a controlled substance.

The police department is probing the use of force.


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