US to impose sanctions on 4 entities over allegedly transporting Iranian oil

The US on Thursday announced that it will impose sanctions on four entities for allegedly transporting Iranian oil, in violation of US sanctions on the country.

“As long as Iran devotes its energy revenues to funding attacks on U.S. allies and partners, supporting terrorism around the world, and pursuing destabilizing actions, we will continue to use all the tools at our disposal to hold the regime accountable,” the State Department said, announcing the measures.

The sanctions target the companies Brecalin Hong Kong, Shiny Sails Shipping, Galaxy Management Nv, and Atlantic Navigation.

Six vessels belonging to these companies have been designated “blocked property,” the statement added.

“We will continue to work closely with allies and partners to reinforce these measures to address and counter Iran’s actions,” it added.

It also said the Treasury Department will impose sanctions on 12 people and entities “for their role supporting smuggling and arms trafficking, money laundering, and shipment of illicit Iranian petroleum for the benefit of Ansarallah, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist commonly known as the Houthis.”