US Senator Feinstein faces calls to resign over lengthy absence

by Anadolu Agency


US Senator Dianne Feinstein is facing calls from Democrats in Congress to resign following her absence from her duties since early March due to health issues.

As concerns grow over the lengthy absence of Feinstein, the oldest member of the upper chamber of Congress, who was diagnosed in February with shingles, a type of painful rash caused by a viral infection, two Democrats took to Twitter on Wednesday to call on her to resign.

“It’s time for (Feinstein) to resign. We need to put the country ahead of personal loyalty,” Democrat Representative Ro Khanna of California wrote on Twitter.

“While she has had a lifetime of public service, it is obvious she can no longer fulfill her duties. Not speaking out undermines our credibility as elected representatives of the people,” he added.

Democratic Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota said he agrees with Khanna over his call for 89-year-old Feinstein to resign.

“Senator Feinstein is a remarkable American whose contributions to our country are immeasurable,” he wrote on Twitter, “But I believe it’s now a dereliction of duty to remain in the Senate and a dereliction of duty for those who agree to remain quiet.”

Feinstein in response released a statement on her website saying she had expected to return to the Senate by the end of March work period.

“Unfortunately, my return to Washington has been delayed due to continued complications related to my diagnosis,” she said.

“I intend to return as soon as possible once my medical team advises that it’s safe for me to travel. In the meantime, I remain committed to the job and will continue to work from home in San Francisco.”

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