US official to visit Ukraine for talks on security assistance, energy support


A senior US diplomat is traveling to Ukraine on Tuesday for talks on Washington’s security assistance and energy support, according to an official statement.

The US’ “ongoing efforts to provide security assistance and energy support, and help Ukraine’s reform and reconstruction efforts,” will be on the agenda during the two-day visit by Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, said the US Department of State.

Donfried will be received by members of Ukraine’s presidential administration, as well as Foreign Ministry officials and members of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Cabinet, it added.

The statement noted that Donfried would also speak to civil society leaders on how to continue helping Ukrainian people “achieve their aspirations and unlock their country’s potential.”

“She will also meet with members of the US Embassy in Kyiv, whose service under extraordinary circumstances exemplifies the finest traditions of the US Foreign Service,” it said.

Donfried’s visit comes after water and power supplies were fully restored in the capital Kyiv after a barrage of Russian missile strikes on Monday and as grain exports from Ukraine have continued despite Moscow pulling out of the Black Sea grain deal.

Explosions were heard across multiple regions in Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv, early on Monday, leaving many areas with no electricity or water.

Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been the target of Russian airstrikes since the start of the war in February.

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