UN adopts landmark treaty to protect oceans


The UN adopted on Monday a historic treaty aiming to protect the oceans and to ensure sustainable use of marine biodiversity after more than 15 years of discussions.

The agreement will be open for signature at the UN headquarters for two years from Sept. 28.

It will enter into force after ratification by 60 states.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commended the adoption of the agreement and said it pumped “new life and hope to give the ocean a fighting chance,” a spokesperson said.

Guterres urged all states to spare no effort to ensure that the agreement enters into force and calls on them to act without delay to sign and ratify it as soon as possible.

The landmark deal will establish a legal framework to create vast ocean sanctuaries in international waters.

“This Treaty is a win for all life on this planet. Now those same governments which agreed it must urgently ratify and begin delivering vast ocean sanctuaries on the high seas,” ​​​​​​​Chris Thorne of Greenpeace’s Protect the Oceans campaign said.

“The science is clear, we must protect at least 30% of the oceans by 2030 to give the oceans a chance to recover and thrive”.

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