Ultras call on Spain football fans to ‘defend the streets’ against Morocco fans


Radical football fans from Madrid are calling on Spain fans to unite to “protect the streets” from Morocco fans during Tuesday’s World Cup match between the two nations.

According to social media posts by Foro MDM, Spain’s most prominent forum for ultra groups, radical fans from Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid are planning to “join forces” in Madrid for Tuesday’s game against Morocco.

Ultras from Valencia also announced a similar act to “protect the streets from vandalism by Morocco fans.”

Spanish police are preparing to increase security and have been ordered to determine the number of Moroccans living in each community, according to various local news reports.

Spain is home to nearly 900,000 people of Moroccan origin, according to official data from 2021.

While some Morocco fans rioted and clashed with police in Belgium and Holland after the country’s World Cup victory over Belgium last week, celebrations in Spain have remained peaceful.

Even so, joyous celebrations of Moroccan fans in Spain have come under fire by members of Spain’s far-right.

“This isn’t Marrakesh, it’s Manolo Escobar street in Almeria,” wrote Vox politician Rocio de Meer alongside a video of Moroccan fans cheering and dancing. “And multiculturalism is exactly this. A failure.”

While her comments were widely rebuked online, some Moroccan fans celebrating peacefully in Murcia said they received racist insults.

The Association of Moroccan Immigrants and Workers (ATIM) called on Moroccan fans “not to respond to the threats and provocations made by radicals” but instead report them to police.

It also called on Spanish police to “take threats made to the Moroccan community seriously and take the measures necessary to avoid altercations that could affect social peace.”

The mayor of Lorca, a Murcian town with a large Moroccan population, has already called on both sides to “celebrate with respect.”

“This is a very important event because someone will be eliminated, and there can only be one winner,” said mayor Diego José Mateos, referring to Tuesday’s match.

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