Ukraine’s president says nation growing confident about achieving victory over Russia


Ukraine’s president said late Sunday that Ukrainians are increasingly confident about achieving victory over Russia in the ongoing war.

“All of us already feel the approach of our victory. Because we preserve our unity and know that we are rightfully on our land,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a video message posted on his social media account.

Thanking the country’s armed forces for their bravery and sacrifices, he also praised people of various professions, from diplomats to railway workers, whom he said greatly contributed to the country’s war efforts.

Zelenskyy also drew attention to Russian missile and air attacks and artillery shelling which concentrated in the regions of Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk and vowed to retaliate.

“We do everything to make the enemy feel our retaliation. To the maximum,” he said.

He warned, however, that Russian forces are continuing their intense attacks against Ukrainian forces in Donetsk.

“The level of Russian attacks is not decreasing. The level of resilience and bravery of our fighters is the highest. We do not allow our defense to be breached,” he added.

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