UK Labour leader affirms readiness to use nuclear weapons for UK defense


Labour leader Keir Starmer on Monday declared his preparedness to deploy nuclear weapons if necessary to defend the UK.

Speaking at a party event in Bury, Starmer underscored the nuclear deterrent program as “vital” to the nation’s defense, marking a clear stance on the issue.

When questioned on whether he would authorize the use of nuclear weapons should he become prime minister, Starmer responded emphatically.

“On the nuclear deterrent, it is fundamental, it is a vital part of our defense and of course, that means we have to be prepared to use it.”

Keir refrained from detailing the specific circumstances that might compel him to resort to such action, deeming it “irresponsible” for any aspiring prime minister to outline those conditions publicly.

“Now nobody who aspires to be prime minister would set out the circumstances in which it would be used. That would be irresponsible,” he said.

Pressed further on the confidential nature of the conditions under which the nuclear deterrent might be deployed, Starmer maintained that such specifics are a “matter of high confidentiality.”

In a move to assure unity within his ranks, Starmer insisted that his entire shadow Cabinet supports his position, despite previous opposition from some frontbench members.

LAST UPDATE: June 13th, 2024 05:18 am

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