UK government lifts fracking ban for shale gas

The British government on Thursday lifted a ban on fracking for shale gas that has been in place since 2019.

Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg said: ‘In light of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and weaponization of energy, strengthening our energy security is an absolute priority, and — as the prime minister said — we are going to ensure the UK is a net energy exporter by 2040.

’To get there, we will need to explore all avenues available to us through solar, wind, oil and gas production – so it’s right that we’ve lifted the pause to realize any potential sources of domestic gas.’

Ed Miliband, Labour’s shadow climate change and net zero secretary, condemned the move, saying: “It would do nothing to cut energy bills, it costs far more than renewables, it is unsafe and it is deeply unpopular with the public.”

Fracking was banned in the UK in 2019 following a series of tremors.

As a result of today’s lifting of the ban, over 100 new licenses are expected to be granted in a new licensing round.

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