U.S. Secretary of State Thank The Members of Congress in Turkey


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, one of the countries most affected by the outbreak of a new type of coronavirus which he thanked Turkey for medical aid sent to the United States. Pompeo Minister, said on Twitter, “We are grateful to our NATO ally Turkey.

The support of Turkey, in the four corners of the world in the fight against coronavirus generating good jobs and helps American companies. We will overcome this situation together and will be stronger than ever. ” used expressions.

Thanks from the congress members Meanwhile, some delegates also thanked deputies of Turkey by making statements on the subject on Twitter. Turkey’s medical and necessary equipment sent to be able to fight US secretion of goodwill and solidarity that includes defining Republican Chairman Alex Mooney as a gesture, “a NATO ally, I thank the alliance demonstrated in this critical time in Turkey.” used expressions. In addition, the House of Representatives also made a similar statement, Steve Chabot, a member of the Turkish Friendship Group, “Turkey’s COVID-19 and for the protection of our health care professionals who work in our frontline combat thank you for the donations made this twice a week.

Turkey Thank you for your generosity. ” said. Democratic Chairman Alcee Hastings said that the Turkish people’s virtue thanked Turkey, said they welcomed with appreciation the support. South Carolina Accountant Joe Wilson made a written statement and said the following: “Turkey Friendship Group as Vice President focusing on US-Turkey relations, Turkey’s NATO ally, I appreciate generosity. Ambassador Serdar Kilic successfully represented Turkey as valuable.

By working together, we will protect the Turkish and American people from the Wuhan virus. ”




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