U.S. President Donald Trump Sees Progress in Coronavirus Fight


US President Donald Trump said Friday the country has seen “very significant progress” in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the past week.

Speaking at White House coronavirus task force briefing, Trump said the country sees “aggressive” mitigation efforts to combat the virus are working at a “very high level.”

“Nationwide, the percentage of tests that come back positive has declined very significantly,” he told reporters. “Last week, roughly 38% of the tests in New York were positive. This week that number is down to 28%.”

In New York, new cases are down 50% when compared to a week ago and fatalities are down 40%, according to the president. In Louisiana, positive test results declined from 25% to 15%.

Eighteen states showed a decline in the number of positive tests, said Trump.

“So over the last seven days there has been very, very significant progress,” he added.

Trump reiterated his call for Americans to maintain hygiene, social distancing and voluntary use of face coverings.

“We’re opening our country. It’s very exciting to see. We have a lot of talent involved.

“From governors to people who just stand there and help you with the doors. Our country is in a great place and it’s going to be greater than ever before,” he added.

The US had more than 890,000 cases and over 51,000 deaths, as of late Friday. Nearly 96,000 have recovered.

The virus has spread to 185 countries and regions, infecting more than 2.7 million and killing and excess of 195,000 since emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

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