Türkiye’s foreign policy restructured to address challenges more effectively: Foreign minister

by Anadolu Agency


Türkiye has restructured its foreign policy to address the challenges of the era more effectively, the country’s foreign minister has said in a piece for a political magazine.

“As Türkiye embarks on the Century of Türkiye, its foreign policy is reshaped to address the complex challenges of the 21st century more effectively,” Hakan Fidan said in his commentary for Insight Turkey, which was published this week.

Fidan said Türkiye acknowledges that it is important to “assume responsibility as a system-building actor” on the global arena in the face of pressing challenges” and it “will continue to act accordingly.”

‘Terrorism most important threat to regional peace, security in region’

In his piece titled Turkish Foreign Policy at the Turn of the “Century of Türkiye”: Challenges, Vision, Objectives, and Transformation, Fidan fingered terrorism as the most important threat to regional peace and security in wider neighborhood.

“Türkiye’s commitment to this fight is beyond lip service. We are the only NATO ally with boots on the ground in the fight against Deash/ISIS.

“Simultaneously, we fight against the separatist agenda of PKK/YPG terrorist organization and its offshoots, which not only claim innocent lives but also threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our neighbors,” he said.

Ankara continues its “relentless efforts” against the FETO terror group, Fidan also said, adding: “Türkiye has the determination and capacity to conduct these battles simultaneously.”

Türkiye support for Palestinian people in ‘their rightful claims’

Permanent peace in the Middle East requires a “just and lasting solution” to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which stands as one of “the biggest global injustices” of the era, said the Turkish foreign minister.

That is why Türkiye will continue to support Palestinian people in their struggle for “their legitimate rights” on the basis of international law, Fidan added.

“A two-state solution with an independent and contiguous Palestinian State, based on 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, will also provide for Israel to find the peace and security it seeks,” he said.

Efforts to revive Black Sea grain deal

The Russia-Ukraine war is a “pressing challenge” that needs to be overcome for the security in Europe and world, Fidan said.

“Its detrimental consequences not only affect the warring parties and the region but also resonate globally. We have maintained our facilitation/mediation efforts since the outbreak of the war.

“We will step up our efforts to end the war through diplomacy and dialogue, based on Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity,” he said.

Türkiye will also continue its efforts to revive the Black Sea grain deal, he added.

Negotiation process between Azerbaijan, Armenia backed

Türkiye has initiated a process with Armenia with the objective of fostering friendly, neighborly relations and achieving complete normalization, Fidan said.

“At the same time, we act with the motto “One People, Two States” and further deepen our relations with Azerbaijan in all fields, guided by the Shusha Declaration signed by the two presidents in June 2021. ”

Türkiye has been supportive of the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Fidan said, adding Türkiye remains hopeful that Armenia will take the advantage of this historic opportunity, paving the way for a new era of peace, prosperity, and cooperation in the region.

Türkiye-Greece relations

The Turkish foreign minister said Ankara is ready to cooperate with the countries “not only to eliminate threat but also to serve jointly as regional engines of stability and growth.”

“Our relations with Greece are no exception. The current positive atmosphere offers a valuable opportunity to find solutions to contentious issues and to explore ways and means of cooperation based on a positive agenda.

“Another game-changer in the Eastern Mediterranean will be the solution to the Cyprus issue after 60 years through the reaffirmation of the inherent rights, sovereign equality, and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots, and the recognition of the independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,” Fidan said.

‘Longstanding strategic partnership’ with US

Fidan reiterated that Türkiye maintains a “longstanding strategic partnership” with the US as a NATO ally.

“Despite certain differing points of view, our interests and approaches overlap in several regional and global issues.”

“In the period ahead, we will strive to strengthen our cooperation with the US on a wide span of areas and on the basis of common interests, as it is crucial for the maintenance of peace and security in our neighborhood and beyond.”

Türkiye considers the transatlantic connection as essential for security and prosperity in Europe, and contributes “fundamentally” to the principle of “the indivisibility of security” as a prominent NATO member, Fidan said.

“We will maintain our 360-degree perspective as regards the challenges facing the alliance.”

He added that the EU membership remains a strategic priority for Türkiye.

The theme of this year’s UN General Assembly, Rebuilding Trust and Reigniting Global Solidarity, aligns completely with Türkiye’s global objectives, he said.

“We took the opportunity of this session to renew our call upon all countries to display a strong will for the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals,” Fidan said.

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