Türkiye voices solidarity with Brazil’s Lula after protesters storm government buildings


Türkiye on Monday voiced solidarity with Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva after hundreds of supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed government buildings.

“We condemn the acts of violence against the Government led by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the Congress and the Constitutional Court in Brazil,” a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement said.

Expressing solidarity with the government of President Lula da Silva and the Brazilian people in the face of acts of violence, the ministry said: “It is important to respect the results of elections and the democratic processes that reflect the will of the people in the country.”

On Sunday, hundreds of supporters of Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress building while shouting slogans and demanding intervention by the army. They broke through a police barrier and entered the Congress building.

Bolsonaro supporters also managed to invade and ransack the Planalto Palace, or President’s office, and the Supreme Federal Court, according to Brazil news portal G1.

Lula was sworn in for a third term as Brazil’s president in the capital Brasilia on Jan. 1.

On Oct. 30, 2022, he beat far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a tight race, garnering 50.9% of the vote compared with Bolsonaro’s 49.1%, according to Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Court.

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