Türkiye ‘strongly’ opposes attacks on media workers: Communications director


Targeting journalists in the Gaza Strip with a “cynical” agenda to “undermine” the truth and hide realities on the ground is not excusable, Türkiye’s communications director said on Sunday.

“We are deeply concerned and saddened by violence against reporters, journalists, and news organizations on the ground … We strongly oppose attacks and massacres against civilians including our colleagues,” Fahrettin Altun said on X. “Respectable and decent journalism can serve peace through reflecting the realities that are otherwise hidden from the scrutiny of the general public.”

He said “info wars” on social media continue to pose a danger to our access to “accurate information” as organized groups “constantly conduct disinformation campaigns that distort or fabricate reality.”

“In such a critical time, all media institutions have a duty to report verified information only,” Altun said.

He called on media organizations and reporters to pay “extra attention to misinformation campaigns and be vigilant about those who are trying to serve their war aims by manipulating publics around the world.”

Editorial teams “must report accurately and push back against disinformation campaigns,” the communications director said, adding that broadcasters should “air truth,” reject “inflammatory” content, and avoid enabling those with war-related agendas.

“We must stand and fight together for truth and for peace,” he stressed.

At least 12 journalists have been killed in the first eight days of conflict between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Israel-Palestine conflict

Last weekend, Israeli forces launched a sustained military push against the Gaza Strip in response to a military offensive by Hamas in Israeli territories.

The conflict began when Hamas initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against Israel – a multi-pronged surprise attack including a barrage of rocket launches and infiltrations into Israel via land, sea, and air.

Hamas said the operation was in retaliation for the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and Israeli settlers’ growing violence against Palestinians.

The Israeli military then launched Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas targets within the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s response has extended into cutting water and electricity supplies to Gaza, further worsening living conditions in an area that has endured a crippling siege since 2007, as well as ordering more than 1 million Gazans in the northern strip to evacuate to the southern strip.

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