Türkiye joins NATO military exercise in Hungary


Türkiye participated in a joint NATO multinational domestic military exercise held from Nov. 6 to 17 in eastern Hungary.

“Held with the participation of NATO forces, Adaptive Hussars-2023, in which Türkiye, Italy, Croatia and the US participated, ends today,” the Turkish National Defense Ministry said on X.

“Within the scope of the exercise, the Turkish Armed Forces also participate in the water passage phases in Tiszaroff and the airborne phases in Nyiregyhaza,” it wrote.

Adaptive Hussars-2023 represents the largest Hungarian military exercise in the last 30 years, aiming to enhance Hungary’s defense capabilities and test the cooperation between civil administration and the military.

Earlier, Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky said as threats like war, illegal migration and terrorism are ongoing in Europe, preserving peace and security is the “most important thing” for Hungary that “can be guaranteed by a well-trained defense force.”

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