Türkiye ‘indispensable’ for Europe: President Erdogan


International developments continue to show how critical Türkiye is for Europe, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday.

“In fact, every development in the world reveals the fact that Türkiye is indispensable for the European Union and the European region,” Erdogan said after a Cabinet meeting in the capital Ankara.

Erdogan’s remarks came after his visit last week to the Czech capital Prague to attend the first European Political Community meeting to convey Türkiye’s views, contributions, and assessments of the challenges Europe faces in terms of peace and security, energy, the climate, and the economy.

The president said during the gathering he had sideline meetings with a number of leaders, including Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

During his meetings in Prague, Erdogan said Türkiye wants to solve the Aegean and Mediterranean problems within the framework of international law.

Erdogan urged the EU to call on Greece to enter dialogue on a bilateral basis instead of supporting illegal initiatives masquerading as unity or solidarity.

He added that the leaders at the Prague summit praised Ankara’s mediation role between Russia and Ukraine.

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