Turkish Vice President Yilmaz to visit Algeria on Sunday

by Anadolu Agency


Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz will travel to Algeria on Sunday to meet with the top leadership of the country as well as the business community in the capital Algiers.

Yilmaz will be welcomed by Algerian Prime Minister Mohamed Nezir al-Arbawi at an official ceremony at the capital’s Houari Boumediene International Airport, according to Turkish presidential sources.

Yilmaz will meet with Turkish business representatives in the northern African country at a meeting organized by the World Turkish Business Council (DTIK).

On Monday, he will meet with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and attend the opening of the Algeria International Fair, where Türkiye is the guest of honor.

Yilmaz will also visit Algerian Martyrs Monument and the Mujahid Museum.

Yilmaz will be accompanied by Turkish Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Ozdemir Goktas and Minister of Trade Omer Bolat during his visit.

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