Turkish first lady visits Prado Museum with Spanish premier’s wife

by Anadolu Agency


Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan visited the Prado Museum in Madrid on Thursday together with Maria Begona Gomez Fernandez, the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

She accompanied President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his official visit to Madrid for the 8th Türkiye-Spain Intergovernmental Summit.

The museum houses works by renowned artists such as El Greco, Diego Velazquez, Francisco de Zurbaran, Francisco Goya and Dutch artists Hieronymus Bosch and Peter Paul Rubens.

Erdogan was informed by Fernandez about the artworks.

She also thanked Fernandez for her “warm hospitality” on X, saying: “We explored paintings and sculptures from the 12th to the 19th centuries, along with the collections of the Spanish Royal families.”

“Each piece in the museum, reflecting the country’s identity, offers a glimpse into Spain’s past,” she added.

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