Turkish and Azerbaijanis in America protested Armenia in front of the UN


In the demonstration organized jointly by TASC and Azerbaijan Association, hundreds of Turkish and Azerbaijani citizens from neighboring provinces drew attention to the children and their families who lost their lives in the attacks on Ganja.

At the demonstration, “Karabakh is Azerbaijan”, “Armenians! The invasive and aggressive attitude of Armenia, which was stated to be committing war crimes by targeting the civilian population with the words “You are guilty of the genocide”, “Stop the Armenian occupation”, was pointed out.

Trucks with LED screens displaying footage of the attack on the city of Ganja also toured the streets of New York City all day long.

While the US and Azerbaijani national anthems were sung at the demonstration, which coincided with the independence day of Azerbaijan, Armenia’s invasive and aggressive attitude was condemned by press releases in Turkish and English.

Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC) Representative of the Turkish World, Muhammed Sami Görgülü, said, “The Turkish world is one. Now we act with the principle of six country, one nation. We shout this maxim in every square in every medium. One answer to the world is enough; Happy is the one who says “I am a Turk” and condemned the invasion of Armenia.

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