Turkey’s new Ambassador in Washington DC, Murat Mercan

by The Istanbul Post


Turkey’s new Ambassador to Washington D.C. was still carrying out it’s task at the Embassy in Tokyo. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Murat Mercan last night and notified his new duty.

Murat Mercan Background 
Ambassador, T.C. Tokyo Embassy (November 2017-)
Chairman, World Energy Council Turkish National Committee (April 2014- April 2017)
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (February 2012 – September 2014)

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (February 2012 – September 2014)
23rd Term Eskisehir Deputy and President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee (2007-2011)
22nd Term Eskisehir Deputy and Head of the Turkish Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Inter-Parliamentary Defense and Security Assembly and Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2002-2007)
Central Decision and Executive Board Member (2001-2009)
Vice President of Media and Publicity (2001-2005)
Justice and Development Party Founding Member
Associate Professor, Bilkent University Faculty of Business Administration (1995- 2004)
Assistant Professor, Bilkent University Faculty of Business Administration (1992-1995)
Assistant Professor, Department of Numerical Analysis, School of Business, University of Cleveland (1989-1992)
Research Assistant, Department of Decision and Informatics, University of Florida, Gainesville, (1985-1989)
Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering, Eskişehir Anadolu University, (1981-1985)
Student Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, (1981)

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
– Department of Decision and Informatics, PhD, 1989
Bogazici University
– Industrial Engineering, 1984
– Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate, 1981
Eskisehir Anatolian High School, 1970-1977


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