Turkey marks 106th anniversary of Canakkale victory


Turkey on Thursday observed the Canakkale Victory and Martyrs’ Day, which marks the anniversary of the 1915 victory during the World War I.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remembered the soldiers martyred during the campaign, saying that Canakkale is a “glorious epic” written by the country’s heroic ancestors against those who were enemies of the Turkish existence and its sacred values in Anatolia.

“We will not allow the games to be played on our country, we will defend the survival of our nation with all-out struggle,” he said in a statement marking the 106th anniversary of the Battle of Canakkale, also known as Gallipoli.

He also said that the Turkish people, who defeated their enemies even under the most difficult conditions, are ready to sacrifice their life if necessary to preserve its unity.

Also marking the anniversary of the victory was Vice President Fuat Oktay, who commemorated Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, and martyrs during battles in Canakkale, on Twitter.

Parliament Speaker Mustafa Sentop attended the commemoration ceremonies in Canakkale, northwestern Turkey.

“Canakkale victory was not an easy victory, on the contrary, it was a victory in which we lost almost an entire generation during the war, and according to some historians, by giving nearly 300,000 martyrs,” Sentop said.

In his message, National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said that the best answer to those who target Turkey’s unity and solidarity is the martyrs’ cemeteries at home and abroad.

“Turkish soldiers, who fought to the last drop of their blood against those who attempted to invade our country in past, today continue their fight with the same spirit and determination against all kinds of danger and threats including FETO, YPG/PKK, Daesh/ISIS that pose threats to security of our homeland, blue homeland, skies and 84 million citizens,” said Akar.

Gallipoli campaign

Tens of thousands of soldiers died in one of the world’s most ferocious battles 106 years ago in the Gallipoli campaign in the Ottoman Empire during the World War I.

The battle took place between April 25, 1915 and Jan. 9, 1916.

Britain and France wanted to secure their ally Russia, as the Gallipoli peninsula provides a sea route to what was then the Russian Empire.

Their aim was to capture the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul.

Turks repelled a naval attack, and there were many casualties on both sides during the eight-month offensive.

When the land campaign also failed, the invading forces withdrew.

Victory against the Allied forces boosted the morale of the Turkish side, which then went on to wage a war of independence in 1919-1922, and eventually formed a republic in 1923 from the ashes of the old empire.

LAST UPDATE: April 17th, 2021 02:41 pm

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