Trump: “Soldier Ready” Statement For Demonstrations in Minneapolis


US President Trump, who evaluated the agenda of press members in the garden of the White House before his move to Florida, made statements about the developments after Floyd’s death.

Stating that Floyd’s death is very sad but justice will be provided, Trump argued that the demonstrators who took to the streets disrespect Floyd’s memory.

Trump said, “These are organized radical leftist groups, polluting Floyd’s memory. Violence must end for his memory. These people, this Antifa group, these are radical left and bad people, we need to teach them that they can’t act this way. ” used expressions.

Trump said that if the demonstrators gathered yesterday in front of the White House were reunited and exceeded the security corridor, they would be “greeted with dogs” and “Secret Service officers” would quickly disperse the demonstrators.

Trump, who also criticized Minneapolis’s Democrat Mayor, said: “If they (the state administration) calls, our army is ready and willing (to stop things). Our troops there can quickly get there. ” said.

On the other hand, Trump, who made an assessment on the subject from his Twitter account, reiterated the claim that the people performing on the streets were “members of the radical leftist groups”.

Trump also asked his followers to show him support in front of the White House yesterday.

Floyd’s cry “I can’t breathe” brought police violence to the agenda

George Floyd, 46, was begging for minutes in police custody in Minneapolis with suspicion of fraud on Tuesday, saying, “I can’t breathe” for a long time because a cop was on his neck with his knee.

It was stated that Floyd lost his life in the hospital where he was removed by the emergency medical teams who came to the scene, and the video footage recorded by the people around him had received great reactions on social media.

The footage re-fueled the police violence discussions against blacks in the country and led to protests in many cities, especially in Minneapolis.

Governor Tim Walz, who declared an emergency in the State, announced that he had appointed the National Guard to assist the police in the area and take control of the situation.

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