Trump Declares National Emergency in the USA


At a press conference in the White House,Trump declared a national emergency!

US President Donald Trump has announced that they have suspended all travels from Europe for 30 days from Friday night and announced the corona virus countermeasures.

Under the emergency, scheduled to be announced by US President Donald Trump, the federal government gives the Federal Emergency Management Center – the right to transfer financial support to regional governments and coordinate measures and interventions to take place against the emergency.

Donald Trump, who argued that the USA prevented the spread of the virus due to the early measures, also pointed out that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the new crisis center of the virus is Europe.

US President Trump said, “I am officially declaring a national emergency. These are two very important big words. ” He added that an emergency fund of up to $ 50 billion will be available.

”Emergency” declared in 29 states

New York, California, Washingin DC and many states have announced national emergency locally. While outbreaks were encountered in 46 of the 50 states across the US, 29 of these states declared emergency.

It was reported that the preliminary elections planned to be held on April 4 in Louisiana state, where 33 cases were confirmed, were postponed for 2 months due to the new type of coronavirus outbreak.

Louisiana was the first state to postpone preliminary elections in the US due to the epidemic.

The number of COVID-19 cases in the USA was 1678 and the number of dead was 41

It was stated that the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed in the USA approached 1700 and the number of dead was 41.

According to the latest data compiled by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of COVID-19 cases confirmed in the country was 1678.

As the numbers increase day by day, the number of those who died from the epidemic reached 41.


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