By The Istanbul Post
Turkish Day Parade, held in New York, USA for 38 years without interruption every year, will not be held this year. Organized by the Turkish American Associations Federation (TADF), the Turkish Day Parade was postponed to the next year due to the coronavirus epidemic this year.
According to the statement made by the Federation of Turkish American Associations: Dear Turkish American Society, Organized by the Federation of Turkish American Associations, the “Traditional New York Turkish Day Parade” has been held on the third Saturday of May every year for 38 years.
However, one of the statements made by the Governors of New Jersey and New York within the scope of the measures taken for the coronavirus epidemic was the cancellation of all kinds of organizations such as festivals, concerts and weddings, until the end of June.
In this context, since the March, which is planned to be held on Saturday, May 16, 2020, is not possible on this date, “39.
Traditional New York Turkish Day Parade and Festival ”was postponed to MAY 2021 SATURDAY DAY. Because of the coronavirus epidemic that affects the whole world and our country, we are experiencing hard times as humanity. We hope that these difficult days will come to an end, and this great day, which has been celebrated with festivities since 1991 and has become a traditional festival, has become a Turkish-American Friendship Day and we wish to walk with the Turkish Flags on the streets of New York Manhattan next year, See you at the corner of “New York Manhattan Madison Avenue and 53rd Street” at 11:30 on May 15, 2021 Saturday.
LAST UPDATE: June 12th, 2020 07:51 pm
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