Russian special services are always on guard and take the necessary measures to ensure the safety …
ISTANBUL Russia’s deputy premier said on Monday that Moscow would like the US to swiftly issue …
US president-elect could seek fresh dialogue with North Korean leader Kim: South Korea
ISTANBUL Incoming US President Donald Trump could seek fresh dialogue with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un …
Criticizing Ukraine, Slovak premier says Russian gas supplies to Europe almost ‘impossible’ after Jan. 1
ISTANBUL Slovakia’s premier has criticized Ukraine’s president for opposing continued natural gas transit through its territory, …
ISTANBUL Russia on Saturday labeled a drone attack in Tatarstan as a “terrorist act” by Ukraine. …
ISTANBUL Russia on Wednesday blasted a new package of European Union sanctions over the Ukraine war …
ISTANBUL Russia on Wednesday stressed the importance of striving to implement the cease-fire agreement reached between …
Kremlin says attack by non-nuclear state with nuke support could lead Russia to use nuclear arms
MOSCOW Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that the use of Western missiles by Ukraine …
• ‘Trump, for all his unpredictability, never started new wars … It is Harris’ impulsiveness that concerns …
ISTANBUL Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that Moscow hopes the UN Security Council …