South Korea to involve US, China to ease tension with North


South Korea is moving to involve major countries, including the US and China, to ease tension with North Korea, local media reported on Thursday.

Speaking at the National Assembly, the country’s Unification Minister Young-se said Seoul would continue its efforts to create a condition for North Korea to accept the economic incentives offer made by South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol a few days ago.

“The government plans to send more specific messages to the North, going forward, and have related consultations with such other major countries concerned as the United States and China,” Yonhap News Agency quoted Young as saying.

On Monday, Yoon offered economic incentives to North Korea in return for denuclearization, saying Pyongyang’s denuclearization is “essential” for peace in the region.

On Tuesday, South Korea urged the North to respond to President Yoon’s offer.

But a day after, instead of responding to the offer, Pyongyang test-fired two cruise missiles toward the Yellow Sea.

Tension on the peninsula rose in 2020 when North Korea attacked and blew up the inter-Korean liaison office along the border. Seoul has threatened a strong response if Pyongyang “further worsens the situation.”

However, tensions soared further last year when both Seoul and Pyongyang ramped up military drills to show off their might.

The US and South Korea have made repeated offers of dialogue with North Korea in order to defuse current tensions on the peninsula, but it has yet to respond.

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