Scotland’s teachers on strike over pay dispute


Teachers across Scotland went on strike Wednesday and will continue their industrial action through Thursday, causing thousands of students to take another unscheduled day off school, and forcing schools to close.

Members of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) and NASUWT unions walked out over a pay dispute with COSLA, the council umbrella organization, and the Scottish government.

“This is first time members in Scotland have taken national strike action in over a decade. They are sick of warm words telling them how much they are valued, while their pay dwindles each year in real terms,” said Patrick Roach, NASUWT general secretary, in a written statement.

“A typical teacher in Scotland is almost £50,000 ($61,000) worse off as a result of their pay failing to keep pace with inflation since 2010, a loss which will be further compounded by the current below-inflation pay offer,” said the NASUWT, which is calling for a fully funded 12% pay raise for this year and 2023.

The Scottish government previously offered of a maximum 6.85% pay rise, calling the unions’ demands “not affordable.”

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