Saudi Arabia keen to accelerate joint activities with Türkiye

by Anadolu Agency


Saudi Arabia is disposed to improve and accelerate its joint activities with Türkiye in the post-pandemic period, the country’s investment minister said on Thursday.

Speaking at the Turkish-Saudi Business and Investment Forum in Istanbul, Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih said it has been three years since he last visited Türkiye and he was impressed by the developments he witnessed during his current visit to Istanbul.

The new Istanbul Airport, he said, made the megacity a global center and became important in terms of tourism and the business world.

“We know that investors from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries enjoy coming to and spending time in Istanbul,” Al-Falih said.

Türkiye and Saudi Arabia represent the two largest economies in the region and are working to develop the growing bilateral investment relations, he stressed.

Al-Falih also expressed great pleasure about the investments and contributions made by Turkish companies in Saudi Arabia.

He said the Turkish-Saudi Business and Investment Forum, which kicked off in Istanbul on Wednesday and will last for two days, will be important in setting a road map for the future.

“We have to make up for lost time. We feel motivated to improve and accelerate our joint activities here in the post-coronavirus phase,” he added.

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