Russia’s intelligence chief calls US principal geopolitical opponent


Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergey Naryshkin on Wednesday called the US country’s principal geopolitical opponent.

Speaking in an interview with Russia’s National Defense magazine, Naryshkin said after the dissolution of the Soviet Union the US forgot about its promises and “spearheaded the creeping campaign of all hyenas of the world against Russia.”

Washington guided actions aimed at the collapse of the Russian economy, science, armed forces, culture, the separation of friendly Soviet republics, Russian political institutions were discredited and “rabid Russophobic propaganda” launched, he said.

“Our country managed to come out of this attack with honor, strengthen its positions. But to this day, the United States remains Russia’s most dangerous and implacable geopolitical opponent,” Naryshkin stressed.

Asked about contacts between the Russian and US intelligence, Naryshkin said consultations between the SVR and CIA are rare, but regular.

“Professional dialogue, in principle, is useful, including for reducing international tension and reducing misunderstandings between countries,” he said.

The Russian intelligence chief listed the UK as another of Russia’s “dangerous geopolitical opponent,” noting that “threads of many wars and conflicts in Europe in which Russia was pushed against its interests often led to London.”

“Examples of behind-the-scenes intrigues, provocations of the British against our country can be cited not by tens, but by hundreds. Of course, the power of Britain has long been on the wane, but, led by an unprincipled overlord, it continues to be extremely dangerous,” he said.

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