Russian Sputnik V vaccine 95% efficient: Developer


Interim trial results show Russian Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 is above 95% efficient, the developer said on Tuesday.

The current efficiency is reached on Day 42 when recipients have already formed a stable immune response, according to a Twitter statement by the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

Currently, Russia is holding Phase 3 of the Sputnik V vaccine trials, engaging 40,000 people, the statement added.

“As of November 24, no unexpected adverse complications were detected during the Sputnik V study. Some of the vaccinated patients experienced short-term malaises, such as pain at the injection site, flu-like syndrome, including fever, weakness, fatigue, and headache,” it said.

The data obtained during the trials will be published by the research team of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, which developed the vaccine, in one of the leading international medical issues.

At the end of the third phase of clinical trials, the institute will provide access to the full trial report, it said.

Russia became the first country in the world to register a coronavirus vaccine for use, named Gam-COVID-Vac (Gamaleya COVID Vaccine) by the developers and with the trade name Sputnik V — with V referring to the vaccine.

The vaccine is designed to be administered through two injections to prolong the immunity, and at the current stage it is authorized for people aged 18-60 and can be combined with other antigens, including against the flu.

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