Russia claims Ukraine preparing ‘military provocation’ against Transnistria

by Anadolu Agency


Russia on Thursday claimed that Ukraine is preparing an “armed provocation” against Transnistria, an unrecognized breakaway region internationally recognized as part of Moldova.

“According to available information, in the near future, the Kyiv regime is preparing an armed provocation against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria), which will be carried out by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including with the involvement of the ‘Azov’ nationalist formation,” a statement by the Russian Defense Ministry read on Telegram.

The statement claimed that an offensive against Russian troops in the breakaway region is planned to be staged, with Ukrainian forces allegedly being dressed in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces.

“The Russian Ministry of Defense is closely monitoring the situation on the border of Ukraine with the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and is ready to respond to any changes in the situation,” it added.

Meanwhile, the Moldovan government said in a statement that authorities do not confirm the claims made by the Russian Defense Ministry.

“We call for calmness and obtaining information from official and trusted sources of the Republic of Moldova. Our departments cooperate with foreign partners, and in case of a threat to the country, the society will be immediately informed,” the statement said on Telegram.

The Kremlin on Monday described the current relations between Russia and Moldova as “very tense” due to Chisinau’s focus “on everything anti-Russian,” amid the swearing-in of Moldova’s new government led by pro-Western economist Dorin Recean.

Separately, Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu said in an interview with local media late Wednesday that the country will begin to denounce agreements with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) due to Chisinau’s “goal of European integration.”

The CIS is a regional organization formed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 by its former members to encourage cooperation in economic, political, and security affairs.

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