Qatar summons German envoy for Berlin’s interior minister’s World Cup criticism

by Anadolu Agency


Qatar’s Foreign Ministry handed a protest note Friday to Germany’s envoy in Doha because of Berlin’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser comments about the upcoming 2022 World Cup tournament.

The Foreign Ministry said Qatar demands an explanation from Germany for the comments it finds contrary to “diplomatic norms and conventions, especially in light of the distinguished ties between the State of Qatar and Germany in all fields.”

The note given to German Ambassador to Qatar Claudius Fischbach, stressed that “Qatar’s complete rejection of those remarks made towards a country whose hosting of the World Cup was justice done to a region suffering from an unjust stereotype for decades.”

Also, the statement underlined Doha’s determination to host the World Cup in the best way to showcase the civilization and heritage of the region to the world.

“The remarks are unacceptable and provocative to the people of Qatar. It is unacceptable for politicians to try to score points for domestic consumption at the expense of relations with other countries,” Qatar foreign minister advisor and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari wrote on Twitter.

Qatar will be the first Arab nation in the Middle East to host the 2022 football World Cup between Nov. 20 and Dec.18.

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