Putin relieves Russian ambassadors to Estonia, Latvia of their duties

by Anadolu Agency


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday relieved Russian ambassadors to Estonia, Latvia of duties.

Russian envoy Vladimir Lipayev left Estonia in early February after Russia lowered the level of diplomatic relations in response to the expulsion of its diplomats.

Meanwhile, Latvia, in solidarity with Estonia, decided to lower the level of diplomatic relations with Russia, and as a result Russian ambassador Mikhail Vanin also returned to Moscow.

In a separate statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said it declared persona non grata one Estonian diplomat in response to the recent expulsion of an employee of the Russian embassy in Tallin.

The ministry summoned Estonian charge d’affaires Jana Vanamolder and told her that based on the principle of reciprocity, an Estonian diplomat of the same rank has to leave.

The ministry said it will “be forced to take other retaliatory measures against the persistent provocative activities of the Estonian authorities against Russia,” adding that “responsibility for the collapse of bilateral relations is on those who make decisions in Tallinn.”

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