The Turkish women’s American citizenship game is broken

by The Istanbul Post


In New York, women brought for birth to United States from Turkey, 6 people has been detected.

The prosecution alleged that the suspects brought expecting mothers to the country, who wanted their children to qualify for US citizenship by birth, on fake business and tourist visas, and that they covered their birth expenses through the federal health assistance program “Medicaid”.


The suspects accused of intermediating 119 children in this way are. On social media in Turkey

”Birth in America” 

It was claimed that she collected at least $7,500 dollars per person from expectant mothers, whom they reached with the posts titled.

The prosecution accused members of the network leaders of the U.A. and S.K. for destroying the health system for $2.1 million.

According to the U.S. laws, every child born on the country’s borders earn a direct citizenship.

President Donald Trump, the government forbade foreign national citizens to come to the United States at the beginning of this year, and forbid pregnant women to give tourist visas, in terms of health, except in the conditions of giving birth in the United States.

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