Poland to use Lithuania’s LNG terminal

Poland’s PGNiG secured a 10-year deal to allow regasification at the Lithuanian LNG terminal, PGNiG announced on Friday.

Klaipedos Nafta – the operator of the LNG terminal in Klaipeda in Lithuania, confirmed it concluded a long-term regasification capacity allocation procedure at the terminal, awarding PGNiG the capacity to regasify 6 terawatt-hours of liquefied natural gas per year, equivalent to over 0.5 billion cubic meters of gas after regasification.

The reservation will run from Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2032.

“LNG plays a fundamental role in the supply diversification strategy of both Poland and Lithuania. Having secured the long-term reservation of regasification capacity at the terminal in Klaipeda, PGNiG will be able to use its expertise in LNG trading to strengthen the availability of gas for customers in both countries,’ said Iwona Waksmundzka-Olejniczak, CEO of PGNiG.

PGNiG began to use the Klaipeda LNG Terminal earlier this year.

The first LNG cargo, ordered by the PGNiG Group, was delivered to the Lithuanian FSRU on May 6, 2022. Since then, PGNiG has received six deliveries at the facility.

After regasification, part of the cargo was sold to customers from the Baltic States, with the remainder sent to the Polish market via the Gas Interconnection Poland–Lithuania, launched in May 2022.

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