Muslim pilgrims continue spiritual journey with visit to Mount Arafat

by Anadolu Agency


Muslim pilgrims gathered on Saturday at Mt. Arafat in western Saudi Arabia to perform the greatest pillar of Hajj, according to the Saudi news agency SPA.

As a part of the Hajj, pilgrims in Mecca continue their spiritual journey by visiting the significant site of Jabal al-Rahmah (the Mount of Mercy). It is a rocky hill within the plain of Mt. Arafat, located approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The pilgrims will spend the entire day on the Arafat plateau while praying continuously and asking Allah for forgiveness and mercy. They will then descend back to Muzdalifah, halfway between Arafat and Mina, and later go back to Mina to take part in the symbolic stoning of the devil.

The ritual is a recreation of Prophet Abraham’s stoning of the devil at the three places where the latter is said to have tried to dissuade Abraham from obeying God’s order to sacrifice his son, Ismael, according to Islamic traditions.

After the stoning ritual, pilgrims will sacrifice animals to mark the beginning of the Eid al-Adha holiday on Sunday.

The Hajj pilgrimage is the “fifth pillar” of the Islamic faith, a ritual that must be performed by all Muslims if financially viable, at least once in their lives.

The pilgrimage serves as an opportunity for Muslims to seek forgiveness, pray for the well-being of humanity, and strengthen their spiritual connection with Allah.

Saudi authorities had announced that over 2 million Muslims will perform Hajj this year.

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