Lufthansa To Resume Turkey Flights as of July


German flag carrier Lufthansa will resume its flights to Turkey from Germany and Switzerland as of July, the company’s Turkey manager said.

From Frankfurt, Munich and Zurich to Turkey, the carrier will operate 28 flights weekly, Kemal Gocer, the head of Lufthansa Group Turkey, told Anadolu Agency.

The carrier and its subsidiaries will increase their short and long-distance flights globally in the coming period, Gocer said.

The carrier will start 90 flights to Asia, more than 20 to the Middle East and over 25 to Africa from next week, he stressed.

All passengers will be given disinfectant during flights, while foods will be served with high hygiene standards.

The coronavirus, which first appeared in China last December, has spread to 188 countries and regions across the world, dealing a severe blow to air travel globally.

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