Indonesia Red Cross ready for plane crash evacuation


The Indonesian Red Cross prepared 100 volunteers and equipment for the evacuation of Indonesian passenger plane crash victims, the organization said on Saturday.

The volunteers are ready at the Tanjung Kiat beach near the crash site, while some of them have departed with navy vessels, the organization said in a statement.

“The Indonesian Red Cross is also preparing a rubber boat to be mobilized around the coast of Tanjung Kait, Tangerang Regency, which is close to the site of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 plane debris,” the statement added.

It also said 10 ambulances are ready at the nearby port and 100 body bags were sent by the navy’s warship.

“The bodies [to be evacuated] will be transported via ambulance to the Central Police Hospital Dr. Said Sukanto Kramat Jati in East Jakarta,” the statement added.

The Indonesian passenger aircraft with 62 people on board crashed into the sea on Saturday after taking off from the capital Jakarta.

The plane had 50 passengers on board, including 10 children, plus 12 crew members, according to authorities.

The Indonesian Navy said it found the debris of aircraft scattered at four sites of Thousand Islands waters.

LAST UPDATE: February 21st, 2021 10:55 pm

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