Houthis report fresh US, UK airstrikes in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen 

Yemen’s Houthi rebels reported fresh airstrikes by the US and its allied British forces on the western province of Hodeidah on Saturday.

The Houthi-run satellite channel Al-Masirah reported that “the American-British aggression targeted the Ras Issa area in Hodeidah Governorate with two raids.”

The channel did not provide any further details regarding the damage caused by the attacks.

The targeted area includes the Ras Issa seaport, one of the three in the strategic Hodeidah Governorate ports.

The US and the UK made no immediate comment on the two raids.

However, the US Central Command announced at dawn on Saturday that it had destroyed an anti-ship missile belonging to the Houthis that was prepared to be launched from Yemen towards the Red Sea.

The statement comes hours after the Houthis announced that they had fired several missiles at a British oil ship in the Gulf of Aden, causing it to burn.

The Houthis are targeting cargo ships owned or operated by Israeli companies or transporting goods to and from Israel in the Red Sea in solidarity with the people in Gaza, which has been under Israeli bombardment since Oct. 7.

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