Greece’s “NAVTEX” Game

According to the information obtained from security sources, an international cruise safety system is used around the world to deliver warnings about navigational hazards to ensure the safety of life and property of seafarers. The warnings are announced to seafarers through satellite communication systems broadcasting globally in 21 different navigational zones around the world, and messages called “Navigational Telex (NAVTEX)” from ground stations. The NAVTEX message, also known as “notice to seafarers”, is also used by Greece for purposes other than warning.

Security sources, Greece’s saving NAVTEX that Turkey’s rights and interests to the contrary a number of unfounded use to create a basis for the claims, “This case related announcement referring to the scope of reciprocity to inform mariners on our side in our surrounding seas and spend our challenges recording informational announcements are published” expression used.

The sources reminiscent of an example yesterday experienced, Greece’s fire training is in order with Turkey’s responsibility in the field of publishing two new NAVTEX covering a wide area, it’s on top of the pitch also published in Turkey expressed that in Antalya NAVTEX Station area of ​​responsibility, his ads of this NAVTEX stated that it is reposting.

Security sources shared the following information on NAVTEX:

“The NAVTEX service area is not directly related to the maritime jurisdiction limitation, and there is no restriction on the military training ground or the declaration of navigational danger on the high seas. Postings for military training sites on high seas do not constitute a violation of the right of sovereignty. However, Greece’s NAVTEX notices have made objections to the said countries to recognize Turkey’s NAVTEX service area made based on the appeal on this issue and we are unrecorded. “

For purposes other than declared NAVTEX the problem of attention will lead to increased tension in the region is not the solution to security sources, Turkey’s Aegean and Eastern international law problems in the Mediterranean, dialogue and reiterated that since the solution of good neighborly relations. In this regard, Turkey’s good intentions many stepped stated that resources, Turkey has all these attempts to sabotage the good intentions steps to provision Greece’s solution to the table, the call for dialogue, not to solve the problem by ignoring the that aims to make more complex, he stressed.

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