Greece tries to prevent and sabotage consultation with Türkiye: Defense chief

by Anadolu Agency


Emphasizing Türkiye’s desire for dialogue, peace, and good-neighborly relations in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean seas, the Turkish defense minister on Monday said Athens tries to prevent and sabotage consultation and confidence-building measures talks with Ankara.

Hulusi Akar recalled the halted consultation meetings as well as the confidence-building measures and NATO’s “decomposition methods” meetings by the Greek side.

“Not only Greece does not want to hold these talks, but it also tries to prevent them from happening and sabotages them,” said Akar during a visit to TCG Anadolu, which will be Türkiye’s largest warship.

Some Greek politicians and defense officials are aiming to “cover up” local issues by constantly and consciously increasing tensions with Türkiye, Akar noted, saying Türkiye is being “cautious” as much as possible.

He stressed that Athens attempts to present the problems between Greece and Türkiye as “issues related to NATO, the US, and the EU.”

“Everyone is now aware of their (Greece’s) tricks. We consider and expect everyone to be more cautious in this regard,” he added.

Türkiye’s all claims are based on legal facts and concrete data, Akar said, adding: “Despite this, there are many Greece-related reasons for not getting any results. There are many scandals in Greece right now. There is the wiretapping scandal, migration scandal, and corruption.”

He said the Greek public “noticed” its government’s failures in the Eastern Mediterranean, so Athens “hopes to cover all of it by increasing tensions” with Ankara.

“We want them (the Greek government) to see that it is not possible for them to survive by creating tension, and that diversion is not profitable,” he added.

The Turkish defense chief further refuted claims that Türkiye is a threat, and stressed: “Türkiye is not a threat to anyone, rather, is a reliable, strong, and effective ally.”

Türkiye, a NATO member for over 70 years, has complained of repeated provocative actions and rhetoric by Greece in the region in recent months, including arming islands near Turkish shores that are demilitarized under treaty obligations. Ankara says that such moves frustrate its good-faith efforts for peace.

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